~John Ed Pearce
There is no place like home... Yes I am absolutely missing my hometown. I missed the good old days when my mother, father and lola's were still alive. I am missing the simplicity of life before...like you don't have to think any problems at all. Browsing through some pics on Facebook, it makes me sad and think of the good old days when me and my family were still together at Tugos, Boac, Marinduque. Despite the hardships and trials we encounter, we still manage to survive. And now that I have my own family and away from my hometown, there were times that I'm still thinking of visiting the place where I've been. I miss the fresh foods, the cool, fresh, province air , and the placidity of the place. No, traffic, no chaos... there's no need to rush things over.
I remember when my lola Ason and lola Binyang were still alive, they always cooked for us before. They're both good cooks like my father. What I missed most is lola Ason's "native adobong manok sa gata" with yellow powdered ginger. Oh, by the way, lola Ason is my lola from mother side and lola Binyang or Virginia Larga Manahan is my lola from father side.

yummy! :-)
At merienda time, sometimes, there's "kalamay" and "suman" to eat from my lola Binyang. "suman" is actually my favorite from all "kakanins" in Marinduque. My lola used to make "suman" or "ricecakes" with matching so called "kalamayhati" every Holy week. Until here in Cavite, I still manage to search for it whenever I go to the market. Just dipping it on sugar and alas! My merienda is already solved. huh!
I also remember before that I was really fond of eating "bukayo." It's a young grated coconut cooked with lots of sugar. Arrgh! It always give me toothache! I just bought it at sari-sari store for only 50cents to 1 peso per piece or sometimes, we just cook and put it on a carafe.
My mother on the other hand, used to make "pitchi-pitchi", "puto" and "maja" for our merienda and sometimes to sell some to the student boarders of the boarding house that we were renting before when I was on 4th year High School. Yay! I really missed those days. I'm craving for all these foods. And I wonder why the taste of these foods are different to the ones that I bought from here in Cavite. :-)
Hmmm... those were the days. Sometimes wishing that I have magic and could bring back all those times... :-) But maybe next year, I could go there for a vacation grande with my hubby and 2 kids. Hopefully...
*Special thanks to Ivie Larga and Roda Magcamit for their pics that were uploaded via "Tugoslandia Society Group" :-)
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